Deepening LLDB Integration

A previous post covered the subject of the initial LLDB and Dylan integration.

While much of this post discusses what we did to improve Dylan integration, the overall techniques are broadly useful for many languages. In fact, if anyone is interested, I am available for consulting on this topic. Just email me.

Catching Up

In the previous post, we talked about changing the base representation from void* to uintptr_t to work around a bug in LLDB. This was, in part, due to our goal to try to have the integration work with the currently shipping version of LLDB.

Unfortunately, this work won't be completed and merged. In separate developments, it has emerged that it can be unsafe to treat a pointer as an integer when working with a garbage collector. The details of this are quite interesting, so out of an abundance of caution, we will not be going down this route.

Expanding Objects

We are able to use the "pointer depth" parameter to commands like expression and frame variable to show the "expanded" form of objects:

(lldb) frame variable -P 1 T15
(dylan_value) T15 = 0x017e8000 {<buffer>} {
  [buffer-next] = 0x00000001 {<integer>: 0}
  [buffer-end] = 0x00000001 {<integer>: 0}
  [buffer-position] = 0x00000001 {<integer>: 0}
  [buffer-dirty?] = 0x001223e0 {<boolean>: #f}
  [buffer-start] = 0x00000001 {<integer>: 0}
  [buffer-on-page-bits] = 0x0000fffd {<integer>: 16383}
  [buffer-off-page-bits] = 0xffff0001 {<integer>: 1073725440}
  [buffer-use-count] = 0x00000001 {<integer>: 0}
  [buffer-owning-stream] = 0x001223e0 {<boolean>: #f}
  [buffer-element] = 0x00010001 {<integer>: 16384}

Note that when using the expression command, you'll have to use the -- separator between options and the expression:

(lldb) expr -P 1 -- (dylan_value)0x018154e0
(dylan_value) $4 = 0x018154e0 {<string-table>} {
  [element-type] = 0x000e4854 {<class>: <object>}
  [table-vector] = 0x01ae9620 {<table-vector>}
  [initial-entries] = 0x00000029 {<integer>: 10}
  [grow-size-function] = 0x00133630 {<simple-method>}
  [weak?] = 0x000e46f0 {<boolean>: #f}

Note here also that when we want to pretty print a Dylan object by address, we must cast the address to (dylan_value). Unfortunately, we also see here that we don't (yet) have a pretty printer for <table> objects.

Some features of LLDB don't work yet, like being able to use expression paths with frame variable:

(lldb) frame variable T8->some-slot

We'll take this up on the LLDB side of things in the near future.

More Summaries

Since the last post, a number of new summaries have been added for a variety of classes. Most of these are things internal to the language run-time, but some are user-facing, like <machine-word>, <double-integer>, <single-float> and <double-float>.

Additionally, summaries were previously done so that they keyed off of a value's class name. This was slow because of having to chase through some pointers to get the string name. It was also unreliable as multiple libraries might define something with the same name. Summaries (and other things) now key off of an internal run-time structure called the "wrapper". The wrapper contains information about each class, but also information used by the garbage collector for tracing object references, as well as some other data. Each wrapper has a distinct symbol name using the Dylan name mangling, so it will be a unique name within a process. This makes the debugger integration both faster and more reliable.

Supporting LLVM and C back-ends

Another issue is that various parts of the debugger integration scripts were using C debug information. When we're building code with the LLVM back-end, that debug information won't be available in the same way or with the same structure. To address this, some changes were made to the code to stop using the C debug data and to change to having a better understanding of the memory layout of Dylan objects and directly working from that.

For example, we previously got the value for a Dylan symbol with this code:

def dylan_symbol_name(value):
  target = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget()
  symbol_type = target.FindFirstType('dylan_symbol').GetPointerType()
  value = value.Cast(symbol_type)
  return dylan_byte_string_data(value.GetChildMemberWithName('name'))

The new code is:


def dylan_symbol_name(value):
  ensure_value_class(value, 'KLsymbolGVKdW', '<symbol>')
  name = dylan_slot_element(value, SYMBOL_NAME)
  return dylan_byte_string_data(name)

The difference here is that the dylan_symbol type was part of the C run-time and not in the LLVM run-time. In the C run-time, we can cast a value to dylan_symbol and then look for a member of that struct named name. In the LLVM run-time, that data simply isn't available in that way. But we know that the name of a symbol will always be in the first slot (0), so we can just access it directly.

This means that (hopefully) the debugger integration will work with the upcoming LLVM compiler back-end without too much trouble.

Missing Debug Information

In a normal / default build, a lot of debug information is missing due to optimization by the C compiler. We're still working on addressing this.

Simplified Stack Traces

Getting a stack trace in LLDB from a Dylan program is pretty intimidating:

(lldb) bt
* thread #1: tid = 0x84e7cb, 0x97e07736 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__read_nocancel + 10, queue = '', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
  * frame #0: 0x97e07736 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__read_nocancel + 10
    frame #1: 0x003301b9 libio.dylib`Kunix_readYio_internalsVioI(fd_=0x00000001, data_=<unavailable>, offset_=0x00000001, count_=0x00010001) + 89 at unix-interface.c:561
    frame #2: 0x000b7b7f libdylan.dylib`xep_4(fn=0x00345d78, n=<unavailable>, a1=<unavailable>, a2=<unavailable>, a3=<unavailable>, a4=<unavailable>) + 271 at c-run-time.c:1163
    frame #3: 0x0032f6d4 libio.dylib`Kaccessor_read_intoXYstreams_internalsVioMM0I(accessor_=0x015a32a0, stream_=<unavailable>, offset_=<unavailable>, count_=<unavailable>, Urest_=0xbfff8a10, buffer_=<unavailable>) + 164 at unix-file-accessor.c:1710
    frame #4: 0x000be5c5 libdylan.dylib`key_mep_6(a1=0x015a32a0) + 501 at c-run-time.c:1691
    frame #5: 0x000c2490 libdylan.dylib`implicit_keyed_single_method_engine_4(a1=<unavailable>, a2=<unavailable>, a3=<unavailable>, a4=<unavailable>, optionals=0xbfff8a10) + 400 at c-run-time.c:2483
    frame #6: 0x000bfd2d libdylan.dylib`gf_optional_xep_4 [inlined] gf_iep_5(a1=0x015a32a0, a2=0x01564eb0, a3=0x00000001, a4=0x00010001) + 54 at c-run-time.c:1792
    frame #7: 0x000bfcf7 libdylan.dylib`gf_optional_xep_4(fn=<unavailable>, n=<unavailable>) + 311 at c-run-time.c:1929
    frame #8: 0x003180d1 libio.dylib`Kload_bufferYstreams_internalsVioI(the_stream_=0x01564eb0, the_buffer_=0x015b8000, desired_file_position_=<unavailable>, start_=0x00000001, count_=<unavailable>) + 305 at 14=file-stream.c:3934

That's pretty dense output and it isn't clear in an easy visual sense which frames are actual Dylan methods and which are parts of the Dylan run-time.

We've now added dylan-bt which presents a simplified stack trace:

(lldb) dylan-bt
  frame #1    Kunix_readYio_internalsVioI                                  0x000000003301b9 libio.dylib at unix-interface.c:561
  frame #3    Kaccessor_read_intoXYstreams_internalsVioMM0I                0x0000000032f6d4 libio.dylib at unix-file-accessor.c:1710
  frame #8    Kload_bufferYstreams_internalsVioI                           0x000000003180d1 libio.dylib at 14=file-stream.c:3934

The -a parameter can be passed to show all frames, but with a visual distinction between Dylan methods and methods from the run-time.

When using dylan-bt, you may find it useful to use frame select ## in LLDB rather than up to directly select any given frame without having to skip over the intervening Dylan run-time frames manually.

Breakpoints and Generic Functions

Another common thing that someone might want to do is to set a breakpoint on a function. That's handled already by the breakpoint commands in LLDB (although you need to know the mangled name of the function rather than the Dylan name). It is useful to also be able to set a breakpoint on every method in a generic function. For example, if you're not sure which print-object method is calling called, then the dylan-break-gf command will prove useful:

(lldb) dylan-break-gf print-object:print:io

That will set a breakpoint on all methods specializing print-object from the print module of the io library. For this to work, the generic function will already have to have been initialized as well as all of the methods on it. Because of that, your program will have to be running prior to using dylan-break-gf.

Future Additions

There are a lot of improvements that can be made in the future to make debugging Dylan programs ever better.

  • Add inspection facilities for inspecting classes and other run-time objects.
  • Add support for pretty-printing function signatures. (This is a bit more complicated than it sounds due to the structure of this data within the run-time.)
  • Add support for setting breakpoints on the Dylan names of functions and methods.
  • Add support listing the methods on a generic function, including the mangled names of the methods to simplify setting breakpoints.
  • Keep improving the set of summaries that are provided by default.

Modifying LLDB

At some point in the future, we will take a further step towards deepening our LLDB integration by writing C++ code to implement direct support within LLDB for the Open Dylan run-time and object layouts. This will provide for better performance and tighter integration, but for now, we're still in the development stage of debugger integration, so having the flexibility of working in Python is still useful.
