Function Types and Dylan 2016

Moving towards Dylan 2016, the Dylan community would like to address some weaknesses in the language specification and what can be readily expressed in Dylan code. In this post, we'll look at function types as well as provide a brief introduction to some details of the type system implementation within the Open Dylan compiler.

Function Types

One of the big holes in the Dylan type system is the inability to specify function types. What this means is that you can only say that a value is of type <function> and can't indicate anything about the desired signature, types of arguments, return values, etc. This is unfortunate for a number of reasons:

  • Poor static type safety. The compiler can verify very little involving a function value. It can't warn when the wrong number of arguments or the wrong types of arguments are passed.
  • Less clear interfaces. The type signature of a function must be documented clearly rather than being expressed clearly within the code.
  • Optimization is more difficult. Since the compiler can't perform as many checks at compile time, more checks need to be performed at run-time, which limits the amount of optimization that can be performed by the compiler and restricts the generated code to using slower paths for function invocation.

In addition, function types may allow us to improve type inference.

This is something that people have long wanted to have in the Dylan language. According to a comment by Kim Barrett in 2001:

Several people at Apple and Harlequin (and maybe CMU too, I don't remember off hand) spent some time working on this, because it seemed like a serious hole in the Dylan type system. However, it seemed that every attempt at a specification got arbitrarily hairy around variadic parameter lists and return types. I have memories of a whiteboard densely covered with small print purporting to describe all the possible permutations...

There were also discussions about function types as far back as 1992 and 1993 in the early "Dylan partners" communications between Apple, CMU, and Harlequin. As such, it is clear that this will be an effort that will require some time and patience to get right. That said, function types are common in other modern programming languages, especially those from the ML school.

A Motivating Case

To guide this discussion, it will be easier to do it in the context of a specific snippet of code. In this case, the code comes from the logging library:

for (item in formatter.parsed-pattern)
  if (instance?(item, <string>))
    write(stream, item);
    let result = item(level, target, object, args);
    if (result)
      write(stream, result);

The definition of parsed-pattern is:

slot parsed-pattern :: <sequence>;

Given Dylan as it is today, this could be tightened up and specified as:

slot parsed-pattern :: limited(<vector>,
                               of: type-union(<string>, <function>));

Poor Static Type Safety

In the above example, the compiler can't check to verify that the correct arguments are passed to item. When constructing the parsed-pattern sequence, it also can't verify that the functions in the sequence have the correct signatures.

The issue here is that the only thing that the compiler knows about item is that it is of type <function>. It doesn't know about the required function signature, so it can't verify anything. In a normal function call, the compiler knows the signature of the function and is therefore able to perform a number of static checks at compile time.

Less Clear Interfaces

While this is less clear in the example above, you can't tell from looking at the slot what sort of function is involved.

But an easy example of where the lack of function types makes things more complex is in the map function:

define sealed generic map
    (fn :: <function>, coll :: <collection>,
     #rest more-colls :: <collection>)
 => (new-collection :: <collection>);

Ignoring the lack of parametric polymorphism, which will be dealt with in a future blog post, it is clear that it would be nice to have more detail about what sort of function should be passed to map. We would like to have a way to specify that the function passed to map should have a signature congruent with (<object>) => (<object>).

Optimization Is More Difficult

Instead of looking at the full body of code from above, we'll restrict ourselves to the invocation of the item function:

let result = item(level, target, object, args);

When we look at the compiler's IR, we see this:

{{ result }} := [CALLo t7({{ level }}, {{ target }}, {{ object }}, {{ args }})]

When we look at the generated C, we see:

result_ = CALL4(T7, level_, target_, object_, args_);

Ideally, once more information is present at compile time, we would like to be able to use more efficient calling sequences, perhaps even able to directly invoke the function via its IEP (internal entry point) rather than going through any of the dispatch machinery.

Improving Type Inference

An interesting possibility is that function types can be used to improve type inference. This is something that SBCL does.

Given code like this:

define function bar (x :: <integer>) => (r :: <integer>)
  ... calculations involving x ...

define function foo (x)
  let y = bar(x)
  ... other calculations involving x and y ...

If the function call to bar does not fail, then we know that x must be of type <integer>. So we can infer that x is an <integer> for the subsequent uses of x after let y = bar(x) (assuming nothing assigns a new value to it).

Note: See if this is actually valid. This may already effectively be in place due to some other aspects of the type system.

Adding Function Types to Open Dylan

Adding function types to Open Dylan will be an interesting task. For the most part, no one is sure of all of the steps that will be involved.


An interesting question is what sort of syntax should function types have?

One option is to use the same limited syntax that we use for other specialized types. This was proposed by Neel Krishnaswami in a patch to Gwydion Dylan in January, 2000. A limited type looks like:

limited(<vector>, of: <byte>, size: 3)

However, when applying that to functions, this would be pretty verbose:

limited(<function>, specializers: vector(<string>),
        return-types: vector(<boolean>))

This proposal did not support specifying #rest or #key arguments.

In 2010, Hannes Mehnert proposed a different syntax as part of his work on function types and parametric polymorphism to extend the Dylan type system:

<string> => <boolean>

The main criticism of this syntax is that it isn't like existing Dylan syntax. However, it is concise and is flexible enough to support #rest and #key arguments, as well as future language extensions such as parametric polymorphism. This syntax was implemented with some specialized code when parsing function signatures within dfmc-definitions.

A proposal has been made by Carl Gay that I like a lot. Instead of stand-alone syntax like that employed by Hannes, the signature can be wrapped in what looks like a function call:

fn(<string> => <boolean>)

This provides a more Dylan-like surface syntax and is readily able to support #rest and #key parameters:

fn(<string>, #key instance?, #all-keys => ())

By using a macro to implement fn, it can produce an instance of a function type, including the desired signature:

limited(<function>, signature: sig)

This syntax makes the definition of a generic more understandable:

define sealed generic map
    (fn :: <function>, coll :: <collection>,
     #rest more-colls :: <collection>)
 => (new-collection :: <collection>);

// And now using function types
define sealed generic map
    (fn :: fn(<object> => <object>), coll :: <collection>,
     #rest more-colls :: <collection>)
 => (new-collection :: <collection>);

This example also shows that further improvements to the type system, such as parametric polymorphism, will be very useful (and welcome).

This area will be a subject of discussion for some time and will probably involve some experimentation.


The first place to hook up function types is by implementing them as limited functions within dfmc-modeling. This is where the compile time and run-time representations of objects are managed.

Apart from the topic covered in the next section, the basics of this are fairly straight forward (using &class and &slot syntax available within the compiler):

define primary &class <limited-function> (<limited-type>)
  constant &slot limited-function-signature :: <signature>,
    required-init-keyword: signature:;

define method ^base-type (lf :: <limited-function>)
 => (type :: <&type>)

The complicated part is defining how function types interact with the type system.

Instance, Subtype and Disjoint Relations

It is necessary to determine how function types should fit into the existing instance?, subtype? and known-disjoint? relationships between types. The main problem here will be determining the rules for relationships between any two given function types.

This will need to be fully worked out as part of writing a DEP (Dylan Enhancement Proposal), but an initial take on this has already been implemented within the dfmc-typist in the long ago past.

The implementation of these relationships is somewhat complicated within the compiler as there are 3 implementations:

  • Run-time. This is implemented within the Dylan library and is available to user code.
  • Compile time. This is implemented within the dfmc-modeling library and represents what is known at compile time.
  • Type inference. When performing type inference, types are tracked via type estimates, which have their own implementation of the type relationships.

It would be nice to find a way to simplify and improve this. In the Gwydion Dylan compiler, for example, there was a single implementation.

Interaction With Currying and Partial Application

Currently, when using curry, rcurry or the partial application extension to the Dylan language, the generated functions do not have very useful type signatures. This can be seen by peeking at the implementation of curry:

define inline function curry
    (function :: <function>, #rest curried-args) => (result :: <function>)
  method (#rest args)
    apply(function, concatenate-2(curried-args, args))
  end method
end function curry;

We can see here that the compiler has lost all knowledge that it might otherwise have had about the arguments, types and keyword parameters that the curried function might take. This is unfortunate and it would be nice to address it.

Library Improvements

Functions defined in the standard library as well as various libraries that Open Dylan ships with should be modified to use function types. Optimal amounts of type safety will not yet be possible as Open Dylan doesn't yet support parametric polymorphism, but first steps using function types can be made.

Other Implementation Issues

I don't really know yet what else will have to be changed to support function types within the compiler. Presumably, some changes will be required to the optimizer and perhaps code generation.

Some known areas to fix are:

  • check-function-call in sources/dfmc/optimization/dispatch.dylan. This attempts to validate call compatibility. It currently doesn't check if it doesn't know the function object involved.
  • Error messages will need improvement and further work.


While the dfmc-testing project has been brought back to life recently for testing compiler internals, it doesn't perform sufficient tests of subtyping and other areas yet. It will be extended to better test the areas of the code that are being modified to support function types.

Some test improvements will also be needed within the tests for the dylan library.

Getting Started

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in helping to work on, please let us know in the #dylan channel on There are many opportunities to help out, as described above. Bruce Mitchener has already started a branch that is in the early stages of supporting function types.

In Closing

Adding function types to the Dylan language and the Open Dylan compiler is an interesting project, involving a wide range of changes across the compiler codebase. It will provide functionality that people have wanted from Dylan practically since Dylan was created in the early 1990s.

Thanks to Paul Khuong, an SBCL developer, for feedback on this article and discussing how SBCL uses function types.
