Eliminating Copies in C-FFI

We've run into a situation fairly regularly when wrapping C libraries where we'd like to avoid making extra copies of data when passing it between Dylan and C code via the C-FFI. Related to this, we want to be able to use multiple types from the Dylan side of things such as <buffer>, <byte-vector> or <byte-string> without having to have separate code paths for each of them. Each of these classes can store raw byte data that we may want to share with other code.

An example that we'll work with in this discussion comes from bindings (in simplified and excerpted forms) for the LevelDB library:

extern void leveldb_put(
    leveldb_t* db,
    const leveldb_writeoptions_t* options,
    const char* key, size_t keylen,
    const char* val, size_t vallen,
    char** errptr);


The easiest way to bind leveldb_put would be to use <C-string>:

define C-function %leveldb-put
  input parameter db_ :: <leveldb-t*>;
  input parameter options_ :: <leveldb-writeoptions-t*>;
  input parameter key_ :: <C-string>;
  input parameter keylen_ :: <size-t>;
  input parameter val_ :: <C-string>;
  input parameter vallen_ :: <size-t>;
  output parameter errptr_ :: <char**>;
  c-name: "leveldb_put";

However, this would mean that every key and value would have to be copied from an existing byte container (like <buffer>, <string> or <byte-vector>) to a <C-string>. That's what we'd like to avoid.


If we were just dealing with strings, we could use Open Dylan primitives, primitive-string-as-raw and primitive-wrap-machine-word.

primitive-string-as-raw gives us access to the raw internal storage of a <byte-string> which is guaranteed to be NULL terminated.

However, this doesn't solve our problem as it doesn't provide us with an answer for other byte container types, so we'll move along without going through all of the details.

An Excursion Into Run-time Representations

To go further, we need to understand how some parts of the Dylan object model are represented in memory, and in particular, how <buffer>, <byte-string> and <byte-vector> are.

Taking an example definition of <byte-string>, we would see something like this:

define class <byte-string> (<string>, <vector>)
  repeated slot string-element :: <byte-character>,
    init-value:        ' ',
    init-keyword:      fill:,
    size-init-value:   0,
    size-init-keyword: size:,
    size-getter:       size;
end class;

What's special there is the repeated slot string-element. In Open Dylan, repeated slots are used for all vector types. To see what that means in C, let's look at how a string is represented when emitted by the C back-end for the Open Dylan compiler:

static _KLbyte_stringGVKd_3 K148 = {
  (D) 13,

In the C runtime, we have a C preprocessor macro for creating these struct definitions:

define define_byte_string(_name, _size) \
  typedef struct _bs##_name { \
    D class; \
    D size; \
    char data[_size + 1]; \
  } _name

What this means is that it is using an old (but good technique) of storing the string data in the same struct as everything else, avoiding an extra memory allocation and redirection which would've been necessary had it been defined with a char * pointer to the data. In short, a repeated slot causes the underlying struct to have an extra size member and an array for the data.

<buffer> and <byte-vector> have similar definitions. In the case of <buffer>, it has a number of extra variables, so the offset into the struct to access the byte data is different from <byte-string> or <byte-vector>.

Putting It All Together

What we'd like to do is to be able to pass the address of the raw storage to the underlying C function. In Dylan, we use a <machine-word> to do this. So, given an object, we want to get the address of the raw underlying repeated slot storage, so we can define a function like this:

define function byte-storage-address
 => (result-offset :: <machine-word>)
           (the-buffer, primitive-repeated-slot-offset(the-buffer)))
end function;

This function will work on any of <buffer>, <byte-string> or <byte-vector>.

Now, since we'll want to pass a machine word, we have to teach the C-FFI how to deal with that, and we can do that with a mapped subtype:

define simple-C-mapped-subtype <C-storage-address> (<C-void*>)
  export-map <machine-word>, export-function: identity;

A mapped subtype specifies how data is exchanged between Dylan and the C world. In this case, we're specifying that <C-storage-address> is a subtype of <C-void*> that is handled on the Dylan side using a <machine-word>.

And then we can alter the parameter definitions in our C-FFI definition as follows:

define C-function %leveldb-put
  input parameter db_ :: <leveldb-t*>;
  input parameter options_ :: <leveldb-writeoptions-t*>;
  input parameter key_ :: <C-storage-address>;
  input parameter keylen_ :: <size-t>;
  input parameter val_ :: <C-storage-address>;
  input parameter vallen_ :: <size-t>;
  output parameter errptr_ :: <char**>;
  c-name: "leveldb_put";

And then we can invoke it as follows:

%leveldb-put(db, options, byte-storage-address(key), key.size,
             byte-storage-address(value), value.size)

Further improvements to this are possible, such as passing an offset to the byte-storage-address function to let us do subsequences of the original byte container:

define inline function byte-storage-offset-address
    (the-buffer, data-offset :: <integer>)
 => (result-offset :: <machine-word>)
           (the-buffer, primitive-repeated-slot-offset(the-buffer))))
end function;

Another Example

You can also use this for writing into a byte container as we do within the hash-algorithms library.

Previously, we had to copy data when interacting with the C-FFI binding for final-sha1:

define C-function final-sha1
  parameter hash :: <C-unsigned-char*>;
  parameter context :: <sha1-context>;
  c-name: "sha1_Final"

define method digest (hash :: <sha1>) => (result :: <byte-vector>)
  let res = make(<byte-vector>, size: 20);
  let storage = make(<C-unsigned-char*>, element-count: 20);
  final-sha1(storage, hash.context);
  for (i from 0 below 20)
    res[i] := as(<byte>, storage[i]);

This again is a copy that we don't want or need, and using the same techniques as above, we can eliminate it:

define C-function final-sha1
  parameter hash :: <C-storage-address>;
  parameter context :: <sha1-context>;
  c-name: "sha1_Final"

define method digest (hash :: <sha1>) => (result :: <byte-vector>)
  let res = make(<byte-vector>, size: 20);
  final-sha1(byte-storage-address(res), hash.context);

And now, the digest method lets final-sha1 write directly into the byte storage area for the <byte-vector>.


Using Open Dylan primitives like primitive-string-as-raw and primitive-repeated-slot-as-raw is unsafe. When using these primitives and others like them, it is possible to access memory in a way that can result in memory corruption or crashes.

Wrap Up

While it isn't always necessary to wring out every drop of performance from a C-FFI binding, it is sometimes necessary or useful. Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how you can eliminate data copies as well as some of how objects are laid out in memory by the Open Dylan compiler and run-time.
