Getting Started with OpenDylan 2012.1

There are many exciting changes in the 2012.1 release of OpenDylan, but to me, some of the most exciting changes are the ones that make it easier to get a new project going and building. We'll be writing more about that in the future, but for now, let's look at how to get OpenDylan installed in the first place!


Linux and Mac OS X

Installing OpenDylan is pretty easy on Linux and Mac OS X.

  1. First, you'll want to make sure that you have the basic developer tools like gcc installed.

  2. On Gentoo, OpenDylan is available via the package system, so go ahead and install it that way. Packages for other operating systems are coming in the future and help is appreciated.

  3. Otherwise, download and install a build of OpenDylan for your operating system. Put OpenDylan in a directory of its own, like /opt/opendylan-2012.1.

  4. Make sure that the bin directory under the installation path is on your PATH. You can do this by placing a line in your .bashrc in your home directory like this:

    export PATH=/opt/opendylan-2012.1/bin:$PATH

    You can enter that command in your current shell as well ...

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Hello, World!

define method say-hello () => ()
  format-out("Hello, world!\n");


As part of the work that DataFueled is doing, we are sponsoring work in the Dylan programming language. This work is being done under the umbrella of the Dylan Foundry.

The Dylan Foundry is where we'll be blogging about the work that we're up to, what our future plans might be, and the libraries that we've developed.

The Dylan Foundry will also be assisting with issues surrounding the Dylan development tools as well as deploying Dylan applications into production in a server environment.

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