Integrating with LLVM

Many compilers are now being outfitted with LLVM backends. There are a variety of ways to do this, and we'll take a look at some of them here.

Calling LLVM APIs Directly

One common and easy way to integrate with LLVM is to directly link against the LLVM libraries and invoke the LLVM API directly.


LLVM's native APIs are C++. Examples of languages that talk to LLVM via the C++ APIs are Julia and CLASP.

This is also the approach taken by Clang, however, Clang lives within the same code repository as LLVM and shares many developers. It is part of the LLVM project rather than a separate compiler that is using LLVM as a backend.

While this seems like an attractive option, there are some issues with it:

  • Your code must either be written in C++ or be able to invoke C++ code via an FFI (foreign function interface).
  • You are tied to a particular version of the LLVM API at compile time.
  • It is harder to re-use someone's existing installation of LLVM as you are tied to a particular version.


LLVM also provides a C wrapper around the C++ APIs. This is intended to be used by others who want to use LLVM, but don't want to directly use the C++ APIs for whatever reason.

The C API is also intended to be a more stable API over time as it exposes fewer details and avoids some of the complexity inherent in providing a C++ API.

While the C API improves upon some of the issues with the C++ API, it isn't without its own issues:

  • Not everything possible with the C++ API is possible with the C API.
  • This means that you'll have to work with the upstream LLVM team to make extensions and get them into a new release.

Other Bindings

There are bindings for LLVM available in a variety of languages with prominent bindings being those written in Go and OCaml. Using these assumes that your code is written in one of those languages and usually has the same drawbacks as using either the C or C++ APIs (depending on which APIs the bindings are using).

Another Path?

There's another path that can be taken however that gets us away from having to link directly with LLVM libraries and invoking the LLVM APIs, whatever the language involved.

Generating Bitcode

In Dylan, Peter Housel opted to, instead, model the LLVM IR and then generate bitcode files from it. This is all wrapped up pretty neatly within a Dylan library, llvm. At the time of this writing, that library is slightly dated as his most recent work has not yet landed on the master branch in the main Open Dylan repository.

When building LLVM IR, there are methods whose names start with ins-- for each of the instructions, as well as some that perform additional work to simplify the process of building the IR. These functions are used with an instance of <llvm-builder>, of which <llvm-back-end> is a subclass.

For a brief example, the Dylan compiler has a variety of primitives which express low-level concepts. For example, to cast a machine word to a floating point value, we have primitive-cast-machine-word-as-single-float, which is implemented in the LLVM backend as:

define side-effect-free stateless dynamic-extent
    (b :: <raw-machine-word>)
 => (f :: <raw-single-float>)
  let f-bits = if (back-end-word-size(be) = 4)
                 ins--trunc(be, b, $llvm-i32-type)
               end if;
  ins--bitcast(be, f-bits, $llvm-float-type)

This shows a &primitive-descriptor with a couple of adjectives (side-effect-free, stateless, dynamic-extent) which are used by other parts of the compiler, and when the compiler is generating code and sees a call to this primitive, it instead emits the code as described in the body of the primitive:

  • If the target platform is 32 bits, then use the given raw machine word value. Otherwise, truncate it to a 32 bit integer ($llvm-i32-type).
  • Then, emit a bitcast of that value to the LLVM float type ($llvm-float-type).

One minor note is that the variable be above is bound to an instance of <llvm-back-end> via a bit of macro magic.

Generating some sorts of control flow structures can be tedious due to things like phi instructions. Peter Housel cleverly added some macros to make this far more natural, as we can see some this snippet, which comes from some code that implements instance? checks for <boolean> values:

// Compare against #f
let false-cmp
  = ins--icmp-eq(back-end, object, emit-reference(back-end, m, &false));
ins--if (back-end, false-cmp)
  // Compare against #t
  ins--icmp-eq(back-end, object, emit-reference(back-end, m, &true))
end ins--if;

Here, we can see the usage of a new control flow structure in the Dylan code, ins--if ... ins--else ... end ins--if which simplifies the emission of conditional code as LLVM IR.

Generating Machine Code

Now that bitcode files are being generated, the next step is to generate actual machine code in the form of executables or shared libraries. This can readily be done by invoking clang or llc on the bitcode files. Additional optimization passes can be run by running opt (or just relying upon the behavior of clang -Ox).

JIT Compilation

We haven't yet worked out a strategy for handling JIT compilation. Our old compiler backend on Windows supported this with the help of the Open Dylan debugger and we will re-visit similar solutions in the future once everything else is working.

The odds are that we'll be able to accomplish this by invoking clang -c and then using our existing "spy" routines within the run-time to load the resulting code into the running application. We'll want to look at supporting the GDB JIT interface to let the debugger be able to find the debug info for the newly compiled code.


There are a couple of possible downsides with this approach.

One is that things occasionally change and require updates to the bitcode generation or the IR modeling code. To date, this hasn't been too terrible. This is also true when new LLVM has new intrinsics or annotations added.

The other is that we haven't yet dealt with versioning the bitcode generation code, instead assuming that we're using a relatively current version of LLVM. In the future, we may want to be able to target differing versions of LLVM. (This isn't readily doable when linking directly against LLVM, so our ability to consider this in the future is an advantage.)

These downsides don't seem all that serious in practice though, especially once the initial investment of writing something like the Dylan llvm library has been made.

In Closing

Open Dylan has a (nearly working) LLVM backend that generates its own model of the LLVM IR and emits bitcode files from that. By doing this, it is able to avoid any link-time dependency directly upon the LLVM libraries. It is able to invoke clang to generate machine code as needed.

By avoiding direct use of the C++ or C APIs to LLVM, it is able to be more flexible in terms of how it integrates with LLVM and which version or build must be used.

This is a different approach taken from many other languages which have implemented LLVM backends, but it is one that appears to have an interesting set of trade-offs that others may find interesting.
